Walk To School Day 2023

On Wednesday the 4th of October it was National Walk To School day which was part of Green Schools Walk To School Week 2023. Lots of pupils from Dangan school had their high vis jackets on and were delighted to be meeting up on Wednesday morning to walk from Kilmore Village and Cox’s Cross or to “Park And Stride” from the church and community centre next to the school.

We were very lucky that the weather stayed dry and everyone really enjoyed the activity which links in really well with our new Green Schools theme “Global Citizenship Travel”. We’re hoping to organise another Walk To School Day soon!

Encouraging students to walk to school not only promotes physical activity and reduces carbon emissions but also fosters a sense of community and environmental stewardship. It’s wonderful to hear that the students at Dangan school enthusiastically participated in National Walk To School Day as part of Green Schools Walk To School Week 2023.

The incorporation of “Park And Stride” options demonstrates a thoughtful approach to accommodating different commuting needs while still promoting active transportation. It’s evident that the event was a success, with students embracing their high visibility jackets and coming together to walk from various starting points, and children can also play in playgrounds which is important for their development and getting equipment for this is no hard thanks to sites like https://school-playground-equipment.uk/school-playground-activity/.

Aligning this activity with the school’s new Green Schools theme of “Global Citizenship Travel” underscores the importance of responsible and sustainable travel practices in shaping environmentally conscious global citizens.

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Pitch Perfect For Dangan NS

Pictured are our Student Council launching our Dangan NS Pitch Perfect fundraiser for our school.

We are fundraising for an all weather playing pitch at the front of our school, supported by initiatives like coveredwalkways.org.uk. We are blessed to have terrific school grounds in Dangan National School, but unfortunately, much of our playing surface is very wet for the majority of the school year. Therefore, both the children and the staff believe this venture, equipped with top-notch playground safety surfacing, would be of huge benefit to the school. In all seasons, it is vital to have accessible outdoor play areas for children now more than ever before. We also aim to include school playground equipment to enhance the playing experience further. For those looking to enhance their facility’s durability and safety, this company of rubber flooring offers high-quality, slip-resistant solutions that meet various industry standards. You can also click here to find additional information on the playground. Additionally, for more information on playground safety surfacing, you can check out this site at https://www.primaryschoolresources.org.uk/equipment/seats. Don’t forget to explore our options for playground surfacing to ensure a safe and enjoyable play environment for all. Also, this website contains information on playground resurfacing that could help you make informed decisions about the best options for your needs.

Our aim is to raise €25,000 to develop this playing pitch. We plan to have this pitch completed in full colour with inviting games for young and old printed on the surface.

We are hoping that companies, parents, pupils past and present and the wider community will help by donating to our worthy cause. Our aim is to sell squares of our pitch plan for €50 with a draw for the winning squares taking place on December 22nd. All squares purchased will be entered into the draw with fantastic prizes – 1st Prize is a Stay in Centre Parcs Longford (value €800). Any donation great or small besides those for the purchase of squares for the draw would also be greatly appreciated by all involved in Dangan National School.

Please click here to donate or purchase squares at our iDonate page.

Thank you!

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Science Week In Dangan NS

Last week was Science Week around the country and in Dangan National School we engaged in lots of different activities looking at different areas of science. The photos below show just some of the different activities we took part in!

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Our New Hallway Sensory Pathway

In the weeks before the end of the final term we were delighted to be able to have our new sensory pathway decals installed in the school hallways. These have added a wonderful splash of colour to the school’s interior and will help provide opportunities for pupils to take part in movement breaks at different points throughout the day. Thank you to Ms. Prior for her help in researching and planning the layout and design of the different pathway sections. To see some examples of the features of the pathway and how it will be used by pupils just click on the video below.

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Remote Learning January 2021

Please click here to view a copy of the letter circulated to parents via email outlining details relating to the period of remote learning in January 2021.

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Reopening Of Dangan NS – Final Details Letter

Please click here to view a copy of the letter circulated to parents via email outlining final details relating to the school reopening.

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5th/6th Class Information

Please click here to read information on the Job Sharing arrangement being put in place for 5th/6th Class pupils in the 2020/21 school year.

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Parent Advice Leaflets

The Department Of Education and HSE have today released advice leaflets for parents containing further information on the reopening of schools. These can be viewed by clicking on the links below:

Department Of Education Advice Leaflet

HSE Advice Leaflet

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Reopening Of Dangan NS – Parents Letter 3

Please click here to view a copy of the third information letter circulated to parents via email.

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Reopening Of Dangan NS – Parents Letter 2

Please click here to view a copy of the second information letter circulated to parents via email.

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